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1 Corinthians 6:19  Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.

Honestly, I wish God hadn’t have included this verse because I am constantly convicted by it.  I know some might take it simply on the physical side, but although I could better with less sweet tea, I am also concerned with spiritual stuff.  It’s a little like my garage.  

Although I try to keep it organized, one thing gets put down rather than put up and then another and another until I have lost control.  In my spiritual man the same thing happen.  Rather than looking like the temple of God, I look more like my clutter filled garage.  A little sin, some indifference, neglecting my personal Bible reading, and just becoming distant from Him by losing my prayer life   Junk in the temple.  Fasting gives me a chance to do some housekeeping.


Prayer: Lord, I know when I accepted you, you expected me to become a temple in and though which the Holy Spirit could move.  Jesus, I need your help with this.  While I fast please bring me the strength and wisdom to be able to clean out my temple.