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John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Some of you will be critical about this, but I love Mountain Dew. I limit how much I drink to a few per week but every time I hear that “Psssh” of the can opening my mouth begins watering. Its not hard to say that a “Dew” is a part of my abundant life.  You can tell me how unhealthy that is…I won’t believe you.  

The truth is that there are many things which make up my abundant life. Definitely, my wife and then my family.  Everything God provides for me is amazing. Honestly, I don’t care to be rich if it’s not stuff that God does’t want me to have.  He’s been great at making sure my life is filled with His blessings.

So, I don’t think it matters if I have to give up some of that abundance while I fast.  Maybe I’ll miss Mountain Dew and Chickfila: course maybe I need too. But you gotta want what you lose for it to be defined as a sacrifice.  And if by my sacrifice God is honored, its more than worth it.

Prayer: Lord, help me to realize that fasting isn’t about what I am giving up, but about what you are giving me. Let me see and know that from this season I can become more like you. I can become an image others in whom others can see you.  And help me never desire they see me where you should be standing.