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Matthew 6:1 “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION … There were signs all over the place telling us not to go beyond the signs but we were determined to walk to the end of the jetty at the mouth of the river…it didn’t matter that it was more than a mile: we were going.  Unfortunately we found out why.  The tide began to come in and roll over the rocks.  Suddenly we found ourselves rushing back and spending the last fifteen minutes of the journey swimming to keep ourselves from being washed out to sea.  

We don’t always know why the Lord tells us that a certain path is dangerous, but if we will listen it will save us a lot of trouble.  Most of Matthew 6 is about “how” to put that first verse into practice.  The chapter covers subjects such as Charity, Prayer, Worry, and commitment, but it also covers fasting.  It tells us to keep it to ourselves and the Lord.  But more than that, during our fasting be joyful, act happy, because you know your reward is in heaven and just as a side note.  Perhaps, God will pour some of that reward down on you tomorrow.

Prayer: Lord, help me to look forward to the rewards in my future rather than worry about the problems I face today.  Give me the strength to do what you ask me to do without expecting anything from anyone.  And let me see the purpose is in pleasing you.