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1 Timothy 4:8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 

It is that time year when the gyms are full. A whole new group of people have decided to lose those few pounds, get in shape and make their doctors happy. Normally they make a good start of it, but a pour finish. Our schedules, fatigue, the disappointment of it all not happening quickly add up to the poof of their disappearance. As quickly as they came: they are gone.

It’s a lot like that with our spiritual journey, too. For whatever reason, we start. But everything seems to get in our way. We sit down to read our Bible or pull ourselves apart for a time of prayer and the phone rings, or the baby cries, or someone “must” talk to you right now. And we put off what we should do for what we must do and never get back to it.  

But a few, a deliberate few, get it down. They make changes to their schedules. They do the baby and meet with the whoever needs them, but then they get back to what matters. They pray and see God do wonders. They study and find themselves approved.  

Prayer: Lord, help me to realize that my spiritual man is more important my physical one.  Let me see what I must do to bring my spiritual self into submission to you.  Help me, especially during this season, to realize that the level of my success is limited to the level of my commitment.